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Showing all 23 results
Manager Management
R699.00 -
Virtual Team Building and Management
R699.00 -
Team Building For Managers
R699.00 -
Knowledge Management
R699.00 -
Developing New Managers
R699.00 -
Performance Management
R699.00 -
Project Management
R699.00 -
Change Management
R699.00 -
Servant Leadership
R499.00 -
Employee Recognition
R499.00 -
Budgets And Financial Reports
R699.00 -
Conducting Annual Employee Reviews
R699.00 -
Employee Motivation
R499.00 -
Networking Outside the Company
R499.00 -
Networking Within the Company
R499.00 -
The Cloud and Business
R699.00 -
Lean Process and Six Sigma
R699.00 -
Leadership And Influence
R699.00 -
Middle Manager
R699.00 -
Office Politics For Managers
R499.00 -
Supervising Others
R699.00 -
Team Building Through Chemistry
R499.00 -
Risk Assessment and Management
Disclaimer: * Prices quoted are PER PERSON ** Lecture/On-Site Courses may be cancelled or rescheduled if minimum course numbers are not met. *** All prices are subject to change without notice. Whilst every effort is made to provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information, occasionally an item may be incorrectly priced or a price may require updating due to circumstances outside of our control or if changes or improvements are implemented.